Nooow before I start yes I lied I said I was going to review (badly) something else Crystal Bearers and...something else I can't remember what it was. Oh the Shrade SCHF1sm which I don't have because I'm poor. Anyway I just read the wikipedia page and saw that in the reception section some one was quoted that the game "is littered with confusing puzzles, uninformative AI, and an overall shallow experience.". I looked and IGN so really no surprise they hire idiots.
Moving on from idiocy this is actually a pretty damn good game considering I bought it on a whim (at a half price books) thought what the hell it's Atlas what could go wrong? Possibly alot Since I've played very little Atlas games alas (or atlas) i was not disappointed. The art style is very good though a tad...strange and the story is just long enough and really not that hard I never had to look up a faq even though this is a point and click unlike some other game *cough*Secret Files:Tunguska*cough*.
Moving on to the end since I haven't posted in a while and this is pretty much done I'll go ahead and end this. want a better review go look up CGR or something. Until next time have fun, stay safe, and go touch something.